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Contact Details


I offer a wide range of photographic services at affordable rates.

Follow this link to discover the Photographic Services that are available or select one from the list below.

Request A Photographic Quote

To complete a quote for your project I will need the following information. Once I have the necessary information I will produce a quote for the project and return it to the email address supplied.

The information that I need to complete your quote is as follows

Client Information:

Project Information:

List Of Images Required:

Special Requirements:


Image Use:

(1) - Perspective correction removes the effects of parallax where tall buildings may appear to be falling over backwards or narrowing towards the top, sometimes described as converging verticals or keystoning. If the images are going to be used as verified views or as part of a CGI presentation then best practice dictates that they should be corrected using tilt shift lenses. However some CGI workflows use the effect of parallax to key in the position of the camera.

(2) - Why do I need to know what the images are going to be used for?

Interested in learning more?

If you've looked through my site and have any questions, I'd be glad to help you. You can contact me on my mobile on 07801 103635 or send me an E-mail and I will get back to you as soon as I can.