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I offer a wide range of photographic and architectural services at affordable rates.

Follow this link to discover the Photographic Services that are available or select one from the list below.

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For general enquiries or if you need to talk to me direct you can use the above mobile number and we can discuss your requirements.

For photographic requests please use the Request a Photographic Quote page.

Gielgud Theatre - London


Produce a 360 degree panorama inside the Gielgud Theatre.

Location Description

Completed in 1906 the Gielgud Theatre is located on Shaftesbury Avenue in London, originally called the Hick's its name was changed to the Globe in 1909 before if became the Gielgud in 1994.

Final Images

A full High Dynamic Range spherical panorama of inside the auditorium of the Gielgud Theatre.

Gielgud Theatre Spherical Panorama.

This content requires HTML5/CSS3, WebGL, or Adobe Flash Player Version 9 or higher.

You can control the view using the on screen dialog and your mouse or use the following keys.

The wide-angle panorama below was created from the same core images that went into making up the spherical panorama. The spherical panorama was created by stitching together 96 photographs to create the images you see here.

Interested in learning more?

If you've looked through my site and have any questions, I'd be glad to help you. You can contact me on my mobile on 07801 103635, send me an E-mail or use the Request a Photographic Quote page.